Sunday, September 11, 2011

Three Facts About Organic Food

As a consumer, the easiest way to recognize organic food ingredients is by reading the label. But the label 'organic' listed on the packaging are sometimes confusing.

Not to mention there are some things that many misunderstood by consumers about organic food, maybe including yours. So you do not have misconceptions, find out three facts about organic foods, as reported from

1. Sources of local food ingredients are not the same as organic food
Local label only describes the location of livestock or agricultural and processing practices or scale instead. To find out more details you should ask if the farm
or practice of organic farming standards. For example antibiotics in animals, whether given fertility drugs or the use of other chemicals.

2. Organic processing still using chemicals
There is a long list of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals that have been approved for use on certified organic farms.
For example, pyrethrum, which is a pesticide commonly used in both animal husbandry and agriculture. Basically the material has the same active ingredients such as permethrin
synthetic, conventional pesticides.

3. Eating organic food is not always environmentally friendly
Some people choose to be vegetarians and eat only organic food with more eco-friendly reasons. But this really depends on the conditions and methods applied to animal husbandry and agriculture. Actually you can still keep the environment by eating meat that is not excessive in amount.

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