Sunday, September 11, 2011

8 Ways Relieve Work Stress

Mind and body are intricately linked to each other. Sustained stress alter the chemical structure of the blood, weakening the body's resources, and its ability to adapt.

When this happens, the immune system deteriorates and eventually one gets ill. Therefore, it is important for regular breaks from routine daily activities to give your mind and body a good recovery.

"Another effective way to combat stress is to make small talk with people around, including family, friends, and maybe even colleagues. When feeling stressed or sad, talk with significant others, express themselves and share problems. This will be a little reduce the burden and make you feel at peace knowing there is someone out there who care. Because, buried emotions and thoughts can increase stress, "explains Dr. Surapong Ambhanwong, Chief of Medical and International Business Officer of Phyathai Group of Hospitals, Bangkok, Thailand.

Ever heard the saying, "Work without play makes life dull?". Habits like this can also cause stress. We need to find time to stop the routine, relax, and strengthen relationships with family. Everything must be balanced.

Take time for a vacation, it could also just stay at home to do relaxing things, such as reading, sleeping, spending time with family, karaoke, gardening, cooking, or other activities that are preferred.

Office of the jungle like in modern times. Since we spend most time in the "forest" is, then it is important to learn to survive in it by creating a positive environment for themselves. How?

1. Establish good relationships with colleagues
2. Avoid politics and gossip job
3. Be objective and neutral
4. Constantly visualize the situation constructive and useful
5. Use positive words in a conversation or dialogue everyday
6. Focus to be in the loop remain positive and productive
7. Set realistic goals and measure your personal effectiveness for current and future
8. Select the priority of work and accomplish important tasks first

You should be proud of the accomplishments and awards that have been achieved in the preferred activity. Whatever your age, brain training is a good way to understand and learn from your life. Positive mind anticipates happiness, health, and the successful outcome of every situation and action.

In his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey says that change starts within oneself. If man is constantly stressed and unhappy with the environment and people around, try to take a step back and reflect on yourself, then decide what can be done to correct the situation. Replace negative feelings with positive thinking. Positive thoughts bring happiness, health, and the successful outcome of every situation and action.

Five Ingredients Best Foods for Women

Want to know what foods are good for women? Consider the following expert explanation.
Women are often confused when choosing food that is suitable for the diet and maintain their health. Five types of food below, according to experts, it is appropriate to prevent common health problems experienced by women.
1. TomatoesResearch scientists in Boston, United States, tomatoes are very healthy, especially for women. Lycopene in tomatoes can prevent breast cancer and cervical cancer (cervix), which became frightening. In addition, tomatoes can also prevent heart problems. It was also nice and not many calories - so it is suitable for the diet.
2. SalmonOmega-3 content of the salmon gives many advantages for women. In addition to a high protein, salmon is also fat free, so women need not worry about her weight while eating the salmon. In women who is pregnant, oil content in salmon can nourish the fetus and to minimize disruption in the first trimester of pregnancy.
3. Cranberry JuiceA high content of vitamin C and antioxidants in cranberries can cure urinary tract infection that is often experienced by women. In addition antioxidants and vitamin C were also able to help fight the bacteria that enter the female sex during bowel movements in a less clean.
4. YogurtYogurt is one of the women's favorite snack. Why not, but it feels fresh, low calorie too. High protein and low fat yogurt can make a normal blood pressure and blood sugar level was too high. You can avoid the various diseases.
5. WalnutsWalnuts contain Omega-3 and high in antioxidants. Eating 55 grams of walnuts per day will reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer or tumors. In addition, walnuts also have high protein so that women can avoid the diseases of bone loss that often occurs.

Three Facts About Organic Food

As a consumer, the easiest way to recognize organic food ingredients is by reading the label. But the label 'organic' listed on the packaging are sometimes confusing.

Not to mention there are some things that many misunderstood by consumers about organic food, maybe including yours. So you do not have misconceptions, find out three facts about organic foods, as reported from

1. Sources of local food ingredients are not the same as organic food
Local label only describes the location of livestock or agricultural and processing practices or scale instead. To find out more details you should ask if the farm
or practice of organic farming standards. For example antibiotics in animals, whether given fertility drugs or the use of other chemicals.

2. Organic processing still using chemicals
There is a long list of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals that have been approved for use on certified organic farms.
For example, pyrethrum, which is a pesticide commonly used in both animal husbandry and agriculture. Basically the material has the same active ingredients such as permethrin
synthetic, conventional pesticides.

3. Eating organic food is not always environmentally friendly
Some people choose to be vegetarians and eat only organic food with more eco-friendly reasons. But this really depends on the conditions and methods applied to animal husbandry and agriculture. Actually you can still keep the environment by eating meat that is not excessive in amount.

5 Key For Diabetes Prevention

If in your daily life eating healthy foods or exercise regularly, it will reduce the risk of diabetes. For those who have not, of course you need to make changes to one, two or three, in the pattern of your life than ever before.

"The question we want to try increasing the improvement of our individual lifestyle or not," said Jared Reis, PhD, lead author and epidemiologist with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, in Bethesda, Md., as quoted from

Reis and her colleagues analyzed data on more than 200,000 men and women in eight countries that are part of the long-term studies on diet and health led by the National Cancer Institute.

In the mid-1990s, study participants answered detailed questionnaires about their diet, lifestyle, medical history, physical characteristics, and demographic profiles. Ten years later, around 9% of men and women have diabetes.

The rest, 81% are not affected by diabetes have the following characteristics

1. Normal weight.

They are not overweight or obese, and maintain a body mass index under 25 (the equivalent threshold for? 155 for women 5-feet, 6 inches).

2. No Smoking.

They are non-smokers, or they had stopped smoking for at least 10 years.

3. Physically active.
They have at least 20 minutes of exercise three times a week.

4. Healthy diet.

They consume a diet with more fiber, less fat, less sugar or refined carbohydrates.

5. Drinking Alcohol.

For men drank alcohol one to two glasses per day and women just one glass per day.

Want to stay away from diabetes, do not hurt you to try this way!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Healthy Eating Tips

If you want your body healthy, then you also need to keep your food menu. You must also meet the nutritional needs of your body so you'll be healthier. and not get sick. I have some tips, here it is please read here:
1. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Daily food choices you should include bread and other wheat products: fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. How much you should eat depending on your calorie needs. Use the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels as handy references.
2. Enjoy lots of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Surveys show most Americans do not eat enough of these foods. Do you eat 6-11 servings of bread, rice, cereal and pasta group, 3 of which should be whole grains? Do you eat 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables? If you do not enjoy it at first, give them another chance. Looking through cookbooks for tasty ways to prepare foreign foods.
3. Maintain a healthy weight. Weight loss is right for you depends on many factors including gender, height, age and heredity. Excess body fat increases your chances for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some cancers and other diseases. But being too thin can increase your risk for osteoporosis, menstrual irregularities and other health problems. If you're constantly losing and regaining weight, a registered dietitian can help you develop sensible eating habits for successful weight management. Regular exercise is also important to maintain a healthy weight.
4. Eat moderate portions. If you keep portion sizes reasonable, it is easier to eat the foods you want and stay healthy. Do you know the recommended servings of cooked meat is 3 ounces, similar in size to a deck of playing cards? A medium fruit is 1 serving and a cup of pasta equals 2 servings. A pint of ice cream contains 4 servings. Referring to the Food Guide Pyramid for information on recommended serving sizes.
5. Eat regularly. Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, often leads to overeating. When you are very hungry, it's also tempting to forget about good nutrition. Snacking between meals can help curb hunger, but do not eat so much that you become the entire meal snack.
6. Reduce, not eliminate certain foods. Most people eat for pleasure as well as nutrition. If your favorite foods high in fat, salt or sugar, the key is the moderator how many of the foods you eat and how often you eat them.
Identify major sources of these ingredients in your diet and make changes, if necessary. Adults who eat high-fat meats or whole milk dairy products at every meal might be eating too much fat. Use the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels to help balance your choices.
Choose skim or low-fat dairy products and lean cuts of meat such as flank steak and beef round can reduce fat intake significantly.
If you like fried chicken, however, you should not give up. Just eat less often. When eating out, share with friends, ask to take home a bag or a smaller portion.
7. Balance your food choices over time. Not every food has to be "perfect." When eating foods high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these materials. If you miss any food group one day, make up for it the next. Food choices over several days should fit together into a healthy pattern.
8. Know diet pitfalls. To improve your eating habits, you first must know what is wrong with them. Write down everything you eat for three days. Then check your list according to the rest of these tips. Did you add lots of butter, cream sauces or salad dressings? Rather than eliminating these foods, just reduce your portions. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? If not, you may be missing important nutrients.
9. Making changes gradually. Just as there are no "superfoods" or easy answers for a healthy diet, do not expect to actually change your eating habits overnight. Changing too much, too fast can get in the way of success. Begin to address the excesses or deficiencies with modest changes that can add up to positive, lifelong eating habits. For example, if you do not like the taste of skim milk, try low-fat. Finally, you may find you like skim, too.
10. Remember, food is not good or bad. Choose foods based on your total eating patterns, not whether any individual food is "good" or "bad." Do not feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie, potato chips, candy or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, and choose other foods to provide balance and variety that are vital to good health.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Negative Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

1. The desire to snack fatty foods increased

Lack of sleep can eliminate the hormone that regulates appetite. As a result, the desire to eat fatty foods and high in carbohydrates will increase. So cause you want a high calorie intake.

If you sleep for 2 nights is not of very can trigger excessive hunger. This condition occurs because the hormone ghrelin stimulates appetite, and reduce the hormone leptin as an appetite suppressant.

Over time, this can lead to weight gain. In a study conducted on identical twins by the University of Washington found that those sleeping 7-9 hours every night, the average body mass index of 24.8, almost 2 points lower than the average Body Mass Index (BMI) of their lack of sleep.

2. Antibodies to be weak

Based on the JAMA study, those who slept less than 7 hours per night could be 3 times more susceptible to cold. Another study found that in men who sleep less would fail to maintain the immune response or immune normally after receiving a flu shot.

Those who sleep less, antibodies that work after the vaccination only lasts a maximum of 10 days. The condition is very dangerous.

therefore, improve sleep quality, to boost your immunity. If too little time to sleep your immune system can be disrupted.

3. Vulnerable to diabetes

Sugar is the fuel of every cell in your body. If disrupted processing process can cause adverse effects. In a study by University of Chicago, USA, which examined a number of people for 6 days, get this condition can develop resistance to insulin, a hormone that helps transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells.

Those who slept less than 6 hours per night in the 6 days of this finding, a process of sugar metabolism improper. The result can cause the onset of diabetes.

4. Increased stress

Studies by the University of Chicago also found a 'blind eye' is less than 7 hours could increase the production of cortisol or stress hormones. Even in the afternoon and evening can increase heart rate, blood pressure and blood glucose that can lead to hypertension, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

5. Trigger anxiety

Anxiety every night will definitely continue to haunt those who have poor sleep quality. The reaction of the body can be decreased. More chronic again, happy feeling will not live up to those who are sleep deprived.

"Sleep and mood set by the same brain chemicals," says Joyce Walsleben, PhD. This can increase the risk of developing depression, but perhaps only for those who are already vulnerable to disease.

6. Looks older

Those who sleep less usually have pale skin and tired face. "Even worse, increased levels of cortisol can slow the production of collagen which triggered the occurrence of wrinkles more quickly," said Jyotsna Sahni, MD, a sleep problem at Canyon Ranch, Tucson.

7. Various pain can arise

Not surprisingly, chronic pain such as back problems or arthritis may occur when you perform activities of poor sleep. In a study from Johns Hopkins Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program, director Michael Smith, PhD, wake healthy young adults for 20 minutes every hour for 8 hours for 3 consecutive days. The result, they have a lower pain tolerance, and easy to experience pain.

8. Higher cancer risk

Exercise helps prevent cancer, but too little shut eye can damage the protective effect. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health study examining nearly 6,000 women for about a decade and found that sports fans who slept seven hours or less per night have a greater chance of 50% of cancer than those who routinely perform gymnastics and have a good sleep quality .

Because the poor quality of sleep can cause hormonal and metabolic disturbances associated with cancer risk, and can 'delete' the benefits of exercise.

tips and trick to overcome the short of breath

Short of breath and irregular may indicate the existence of certain health problems on someone. For example, angina, hypertension, chest pain, stroke, until the disease asthma.
To improve the quality of the breath is not good, experts advise you to do deep breathing exercises (deep breathing). In addition, Stolmatski Alexander, author of Freedom from Asthma, encourage you to also do some of this to reduce the complaint to the smoothness of your breathing:
1. Exercise.
A fit body will help you get a better intake of oxygen to the body. A time to yourself to exercise three times a week, with a duration of at least 30 minutes.
2. Avoid situations that can lead to excessive stress.
3. Eat enough.
Eating foods with excessive portion also makes you unable to breathe smoothly.
4. Note the quality of sleep.
Sleep enough, no less than 6 hours and not more than 8 hours. If you are often less able to breathe well while sleeping, try lying on his side. Avoid supine sleeping position.
5. Get used to retrieve and exhaled breath from the nose instead of mouth.
6. Avoid hot and stuffy environment.
7. Stop smoking, if you are a smoker, and reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
8. Perform regular breathing tests and try gradually to increase the capability of holding your breath.

10 Small Changes to Live Longer

1. Keep Yourself From Smoke 
It's okay to be someone who is fussy and do not hesitate to ask your friend to quit smoking.

2. continue to Move 
Department of Health and the U.S. General Services recommends that all adults do at least 150 minutes of light movement activity during the week, at least 10 minutes.

3. Breath In Breathe deeply 
When blood brings more oxygen and nutrients to body cells, lymph nodes can prevent the body from disease-causing bacteria such as, viral infections, foreign substances, dead white blood cells, toxins and other cellular waste.

4. Maintain Weight 
Obesity increases the risk of diabetes 20 times larger and substantially increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and gallstones.

5. Limit Alcohol 
Effects of alcohol is more dangerous for women. Damage caused by alcohol on the brain tissue of women more quickly than the male brain damage.

6. Inadequate Sleep Needs 
Medical evidence suggests that we need 7-9 hours of sleep every day, but faknyanya the average person does not meet those needs. Often stayed up late will cause a serious disruption of the liver in the long run.

7. More Notice of Public Health Problems 
With wary of a growing health issue in society, we will better realize the prevention early on.

8. Stay Socialize 
Elderly women who remain socially active identification of living longer and healthier than their counterparts a loner.

9. Avoid Stress 
Find your own techniques to reduce stress and its effects.

10. Selective Use Supplements 
Experts agree the best way to get nutrients is through food. Only calcium and vitamin D, which plays an important role in maintaining bone density are recommended consumed in supplement form.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Never Understimate Your Back Pain!!!

Never underestimate any back pain or joint pain because of one-one many tasks you will be delayed because of this problem. Many people assume that only those who regularly perform strenuous activities such as hoeing, porters are affected by this disease. However, it turns out it was broken after a new study stating that people categorized mild activity can experience back pain.

There are at least three things that make you run into problems around the back of your body, namely the first, sitting position too long, then the next bend with extreme waist position 90 degrees, and the last is because sleeping or resting on a couch or chair.

When you do one of three things above then certainly you will experience back pain and his friends. However, you do not actually have to fear or confusion to avoid this disease because there are tips to prevent it. Simple and easy to do really. The following tips:

1. Get used to sit by holding the stomach inward. Your hips should touch the bottom of a sofa, chair or bed. The back behind you also have to be supported properly, for example by using the back of the chair seat. Take a moment to get out of your chair and walk out for a while to prevent back pain.

2. Stand up straight with your stomach held inside. Avoid extreme bending the waist position when you're taking something or cleaning the floor. Do not forget to sit or squat every time you take stuff on the floor.

3. Rest or sleep in the bed. This will make your body more relaxed. Do not also watch TV while lying on the couch because it can cause neck and possibly your whole body feels tense.

No matter how small the disease remains to be given due attention by doing it then you are preventing various diseases that are more likely to damage your body at a later date.

Study: Brain Damage Excess Salt Consumption

Based on studies involving 1,200 people over three years showed that consumption of too much salt without balanced exercise routine not only bad for the heart but also potentially reduce the power of the brain in old age.

"It's important for people to know things to do to protect their brains in old age," says Carol Greenwood, a nutritionist and director of research at Baycrest Kunin-Lunenfeld Toronto, as quoted from ABC News.

Longitudinal Study data and Successful Aging mention, people aged 67-84 years with high sodium intake and exercise rarely showed worse results on cognitive tests than those who consumed less sodium and diligent exercise.

This research continues to expand along with the controls conducted by experts on several factors such as education, waist circumference, diabetes and diet. "This is the first study that revealed minimal sodium intake resulted in both the health of the adult brain," Greenwood writes in Neurobiology of Aging.

Healthy Eating and Exercise
Director of Studies for Public Health at Yale University, Dr. David Katz, said the excess sodium in the body is not only bad for blood pressure, bone and heart health. Experts advise to replace foods high in salt content with the fruits and vegetables.

"However, salt intake has a direct impact on brain functioning elderly. Its use should be restricted after the levels. The best thing is to reduce foods that contain preservatives and consume more foods from nature, "says Katz.

Apart from reducing salt intake, the benefits of exercise also not be underestimated to maintain the ability of the brain in old age. "Those who exercise regularly are safe from dementia, although many consume sodium," says Greenwood. "Cardiovascular exercise will cure all the negative effects of salt intake." (Rudi Bun)

Sleep with the Lights Off Prevent serious diseases

If you are afraid to sleep the night in a dark room begin to practice it. Sleeping with the light off very good for your health and can prevent some serious diseases such as breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Sleep the night in a dark room is really helpful for the body. Robert Joan biologists say the new body could produce the hormone melatonin when there is no light. This hormone is one of the immune hormone that is able to combat and prevent various diseases including breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Unfortunately, the hormone melatonin does not appear if people sleep at night with the lights on. The presence of light or light to make the hormone melatonin production stops.
By turning off the lights when you sleep at night, not only saves energy but also improve the health of the body. So that night while watching TV is also highly discouraged.
Other health practitioners, Lynne Eldridge MD who is also author of 'avoiding Cancer One Day At A Time' also wrote a blind women 80 percent less exposed to risk of breast cancer than the average of other women. Presumably a lot of factors in body hormone melatonin because the dark visions that have made him immune higher.
The importance of nighttime sleep by turning off the lights recently also been studied by scientists from Britain and Israel. Researchers found that when the light is turned on at night, may trigger the over-expression of cells that is associated with the formation of cancer cells.
Scientists claim if someone woke up at night and the lights on for a few seconds, it can cause biological changes that may lead to cancer.
If in previous studies with bright lights the night sleep was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer. So in this latest study shows short-term exposure can also be associated with an increased risk of cancer.
"People who wake up at night are advised not to turn on the lights. We believe that every time the light of artificial light at night will have an impact on the body's biological clock, because this is a sensitive mechanism," said Dr. Rachel Ben-Sclomo from the University of Haifa, as quoted from Dailymail, Tuesday (13/04/2010).
Dr. Rachel added that this is still limited to the latest findings and preliminary research. But now he and his team was to analyze this region in more detail. These results have also been reported in the journal Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics.

7 foods thats good for lowering Cholesterol

1. garlic
Eat garlic and a half to one clove a day in stages over a month to lose 9 percent of the body's cholesterol levels. However, make sure you pay attention to the dose due to eating too much garlic is not good for the body
such as diarrhea, fever, inflammation and even ulcers.

One of the most powerful anti-cholesterol agent in garlic is ajoene. These substances can prevent blood clotting. Research conducted by the Center for Drug Research at Tagore Medical College, India, in 1981 proved that garlic raw or processed to reduce blood clotting in heart patients.

2. Tempe/soybean cakes
Not only the content of isoflavones in them are capable of lowering cholesterol levels. The content of niacin is 5 times more than any soy can lower cholesterol levels in your body.

3. fish
Fish are rich in unsaturated fatty acids omega3 form that is not only capable of lowering blood cholesterol levels, but also prevent blood clotting.

4. tea
EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), bioactive components in tea shown to prevent the acceleration of the oxidation of bad cholesterol. Thus, blockage of blood vessels can be prevented.

5. avocado
This fruit including fruit filling because the high fat content. But make no mistake, it can lower cholesterol avocado because fat contained in it is unsaturated fat is good for the body.

6. apple
Apples are one of the fruits rich in anti oxidants and vitamin C. In addition, the skin also contains apple pectin which is soluble fiber in the body of a potent cholesterol lowering.

7. Blueberry
The results are disclosed at the American Chemical Society says that a component in blueberries pterostilbene capable of stimulating a receptor protein in the cell. In another study, substance pterostilbene also claimed to treat cancer and
